On 28-30 November 2016 Global Developments Fund with support of European Training Foundation organised a workshop titeled: A practical approach to skills anticipation – with focus on two sectors: tourism and IT. Analysis, capacity building, practical application.
This series of workshops aim at introducing a practical approach to reinforce existing analytical capacity in understanding labour market and skills dynamics, and stimulate stakeholders’ networking for a more effective response of the skills systems to changing demand. This initiative has an introductory character - national and international partners could support other activities to follow-up the first results.
Armenia actively participates in the activities (2014-2017) of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Platform 2, dedicated to regional cooperation on skills anticipation and matching. The European Training Foundation (ETF) facilitates these activities, which support cooperation among the six EaP countries and consist of knowledge sharing and training events focused on approaches used in EU and in Eastern Partnership countries to anticipate and analyse demand for skills and devise effective matching mechanisms and policies.
In this context Armenia expressed interest to engage incountry specific activities with ETF support. This country specific initiative is implemented in 2016 and consists of two components:
- Preliminary analysis: statistical portraits of two sectors (Tourism and IT) –focused on occupations, labour market, business and relevant education figures.
- Capacity building on skills anticipation and matching, with focus on approaches and methods that can be used in the current country context. The chosen approaches are: Barometer of professions; Vacancy monitor; in-depth analysis of skills needs in occupations / enterprises in the two indicated sectors.
The capacity building activities are carried out in cooperation with the National Observatory of Employment and Training (NOET) of the Czech Republic. The team of NOET’s experts will share practical experience and methodological aspects on the following topics: barometer of professions; vacancy analysis /monitoring; in-depth analysis of skills needs (focus groups with employers). NOET’s experts will facilitate the focus groups meetings and analyse the gathered information; and will train representatives from State Employment Agency on the practical approach for in-depth analysis of skills needs and focus groups meetings with employers.
ETF coordinates the initiative, in close cooperation with the national institutions and experts, and presents key information on the recently published methodological guides on skills anticipation and matching.