We are more than just a service provider. We’ll provide more than you expect…
We have built our reputation on successful implementation of more than 100 local and international projects and initiatives for a wide range of clients across the public and private sectors, non-governmental, bilateral and international organisations. We work with national authorities, agencies, educational and research institutions, with employers and trade unions, with donors and civil society, with private clients…
We are aimed at providing quality services and consultancy tailored to the specific needs of each client, at producing results contributing to achievement of our customers’ objectives, at developing their ideas into real actions.
Project Management and Consultancy
As a professional project management and consultancy company we have a large pool of experts with knowledge and experience in different areas of specialisation. We carry out research, studies, surveys as well as provide expertise, consultancy and policy advice. We are specifically focused on the social sphere particularly on education, vocational training and lifelong learning, employment and poverty reduction, youth and women affairs, community and rural development but also on other sectors such as tourism and hospitality, agriculture and wine production, media and communications and others. European integration is one of our main areas of interest.
Selected topics of our consultancy works related to:
- Vocational education for rural development;
- Feasibility and impact analysis of the Sector Skills Councils in tourism and wine-making sectors;
- Validation of non-formal and informal learning;
- Career management; Entrepreneurship as a path of career development;
- Labour Market needs analysis and Tracer Studies;
- Governance and management in education;
- Educational polices for economic competitiveness;
- Education and business studies;
- Social partnership in the field of VET and LM;
- Competence-based qualification/occupational standards;
- National Qualifications Framework;
- Awareness raising about Europe among youth;
- Training strategies for the local development.
Organisation of Events
We provide a full package of events (conferences, workshops, dissemination events, round tables, awareness raising and advocacy campaigns, foreigners’ missions, etc.) organisation and management services in Armenia as well as in other countries. We take care of administrative tasks and logistics but also of conceptual and content related issues.
If you ever need to run any kind of event, just contactus: our experience will help to design, organise and manage it promptly and effectively. We’ll propose you the best solutions for your needs taking into account the nature, objectives, audience and the content of the event, and also your available resources.
The range of our services may cover but not be limited by:
- designing of the event concept and agenda, identification of participants
- providing venue and any necessary audio-visual equipment
- development and dissemination of press releases and any other type of information through different channels
- preparation and delivery of invitations, collecting of confirmations
- designing, editing, printing and dissemination of materials
- translation and interpretation
- any type of catering
- design and preparation of badges, nameplates, posters and banners, provision of stationary, e.g. notebooks, pens, bags, folders, etc.
- photo and video shooting, audio recording, taking minutes or stenography
- organisation of travel, transportation, hotel booking, sightseeing for participants
… and many others upon the client’s needs.
We strongly consider environment, gender issues and needs of the people with disabilities.