The ETF, which is a European Union agency, has been very active since many years in promoting innovation of vocational and training in Armenia in co-operation with the EU Delegation, key public institutions, social partners’ organisations, schools, companies, etc. The activities implemented by of European Training Foundation during these years have covered many topics and included, among others, quality, teachers training, recognition of non-formal and informal learning, career guidance, etc.
In 2010 the of European Training Foundation launched the “Torino Process” which is a participatory review of progress in vocational education and training policy with the aim of building the capacities of national stakeholders in assessing the VET reform. This year ETF developed “Torino Process 2014” which provides a concise, documented analysis of vocational education and training (VET) reform and contributes in sustainable development of VET in Armenia. It serves as a basis for the design of the ETF’s support strategy and provides the recommendations to the European Commission for EU external assistance.
GDF with a support of European Training Foundation organised a workshop titled “Vocational Education and Training (VET) Reform in Armenia: Analysis of Progress under the Torino Process” on 27 November 2014. The objective of the event was to present “Torino Process 2014” report, recent developments in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Armenia and came up with suggestions and recommendations, which may contribute to the success of on-going VET reforms in the country.