Today “Global Developments” Fund with the financial support of European Training Foundation organised Torino Process 2018-20 in Armenia: Preparing for tomorrow’s skills” event.
The Torino Process is an evidence-informed analysis of Human Capital Development (HCD) issues and VET policies responses in the ETF partner countries. The process, launched by the ETF for the first time in 2010, enters in its fifth round of implementation that will be completed in the period 2019-2020.
Following the preparation of the national report, based on the National Reporting Framework, and of the ETF assessment, this workshop had the objective to present and disseminate key findings and recommendations, representing the main outcomes of the process.
Lawrence Meredith, Director at the European Commission, together with the RA Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport Arevik Anapiosyan and the Head of the Policy Unit European Training Foundation Xavier Matheu de Cortada delivered opening remarks at the Torino Process 2018-2020 Dissemination meeting.
In the afternoon section, after introduction of the key findings and recommendations of the Torino Process 2018-2020 National Report and of the ETF assessment, the participants were divided into the 3 working groups to discuss recommendations as well as to identify and agree specific actions to address the recommendations. After the presentation of each WG results it was agreed to develop a set of strategic and concrete action-oriented recommendations